A digital asset is a file of any type, including images, audio, video, PDF files, and animated GIFs, that holds information about the file itself (name, author name, creation time, etc.), as well as information related to preservation the authenticity of the file, the integrity of the content of which the file is composed and the identity of the owner.
A digital barcode is a set of information about a file that represents an authentic digital asset ("ADA") and related data.
This includes information about the file itself (name, author name, creation time, etc.), as well as information related to preservation the authenticity of the file, the integrity of the content of which the file is composed and the identity of the owner.
The digital barcode provides a globally unique file identifier and copyright protection tool.
In addition, it serves as a repository for the author's promotional material, such as a promotional text, a PDF booklet, a personal audio message or a short promotional video.
Blockchain is a decentralized database that is shared and synchronized among the nodes of a computer network and operates without the need for a central authority.
Instead of being "locked" within a single database, as is the case with centralized systems, files and information are diversified across a chain of blocks (hence the name blockchain) and made available to all those computers connected to a shared peer-to-peer network.
Data stored on the blockchain is virtually immutable, irreplaceable, irrevocable and available for validation at all times.
The transfer of data over the blockchain network is called a transaction. A file that contains data related to a transaction is called a transaction file.
An authentic digital asset ("ADA") is any asset in digital format, such as an image, photo, PDF file, animated GIF, song, video movie, e-book, with an embedded digital barcode and stored on a custom-built blockchain.
The digital barcode provides a globally unique file identifier and copyright protection tool, while the blockchain platform forces hosted digital assets to remain immutable, irreplaceable, irrevocable and available for validation at all times.
The process of tokenizing and storing an authentic digital asset on the blockchain, so that it is available for validation at any time, is called "ADA minting".
Most blockchains use inadequate mathematical methods to validate transactions, which unnecessarily burden the entire blockchain system and make it more complex and expensive than it should be.
On the other hand, appropriate software tools such as those provided by digital chip card technology will make the ADA minting process transparent and easy to follow, increase reliability and reduce costs.
The greatest value of an authentic digital asset is believed to lie in its irreplaceability, traceability and uniqueness.
An authentic digital asset is not a virtual certificate of ownership of a digital object, but real digital art and an expression of the will and intentions of creative artists, who invest their knowledge, talent and money so that their works are finally valued accordingly.
Digital chip card technology introduces security tags, which consist of a hash code, IP address, public key, and timestamp.
Security tags cannot be changed, removed, ignored or misused in any way. They are held responsible for verifying the authenticity and integrity of the data embedded in the asset, thereby guaranteeing the immutability and ultimate protection of digital copyrights.
Not really. For a digital asset to be represented as an ADA, there must be some certificate of authenticity associated with it.
There are several ways to achieve this, but the most viable solution is to permanently embed the data into the digital asset itself using appropriate software tools, such as those provided by digital chip card technology.
Blockchain tokenization is the process of converting an actual physical or digital asset into a digital token that is stored on the blockchain.
A blockchain token is a digital representation of an authentic real-world asset, whether physical or digital, tangible or intangible, such as traded commodities, gold, real estate, artwork, ownership rights, digital art, license agreements, loan applications, and more.
Tokenization allows parties to maximize the benefits of the blockchain ecosystem, such as efficiency, reliability, transparency, trust, security, saving time and resources, as well as minimizing the possibility of counterfeiting and abuse.
The tokenization process refers to minting an authentic digital asset.
A smart contract is a computer program running on a blockchain that is automatically executed upon meeting pre-defined terms and conditions.
It relies on a binding agreement between two parties presented in traditional paper or digital form.
A smart contract is made up of "if true then [do something] else [do something else]" conditional statements embedded within the transaction file, with outcomes dependent on whether or not predetermined conditions are met and verified.
The execution of a smart contract initiates the completion of a transaction and the update of a transaction file represented by a digitally signed block of data, which is then stored on each of the nodes that make up the blockchain network.
The transaction file can no longer be reversed, modified, corrupted or misused and is available for download and validation at all times.
Anyone can create an ADA and put it up for sale on digital markets through a platform that utilizes blockchain technology, at any price and in any currency. Blockchain allows potential customers to verify digital goods at all times, so they know exactly what they bought and who they bought it from.
You can sell ADAs in any currency, be it fiat currency (eg US Dollar, Euro, Pound, etc.), commodity currency, or cryptocurrency (eg Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc.).
You can sell ADAs in any currency, be it fiat currency (eg US Dollar, Euro, Pound, etc.), commodity currency, or cryptocurrency (eg Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc.).
You don't have to use any specific shopping platform to sell an ADA, but you do need a platform that utilizes blockchain technology and allows potential customers to validate your ADA.
Each ADA has metadata, security tags, and even some other files (say, short videos or profile pictures) embedded in them, and they're all permanently stored there - provided the ADA is treated as a whole.
If we try to copy a part of an ADA or capture a moment (eg take a screenshot, record audio, etc.), the embedded data will be lost.
You would have some kind of video or audio stored on your device, but without metadata that allows for verification of the original digital asset, it no longer constitutes a true ADA.
It's just another file that resembles the ADA, but it's missing key information that would testify to its authenticity.
Anyone who purchases a digital asset with a certificate of authenticity permanently inscribed on it can claim to have purchased an authentic digital asset (eg a real photo, animated GIF, music, video, etc.).
This in no way prejudices the buyer's right to own the ADA (unless otherwise specified by the seller), nor in any way infringes the copyright of the owner of the ADA.
Yes it is. It is possible to trace an ADA on its journey from creator to buyer by validating the transaction on the blockchain, which is achieved by directly extracting the information embedded in the ADA itself.
No, this is not possible. In case of any intervention on the ADA, its data will no longer be readable (an error will be reported), which means that this digital asset is no longer considered irreplaceable and authentic.
Consequently, it can no longer be called an ADA and cannot be part of the blockchain.
Digital Chip Card Technology, or DCCT for short, represents a set of innovative solutions implemented in security protocols and e-business systems that gravitate towards preserving privacy, confidentiality, authenticity and integrity of data and protection against misuse.
At the heart of the DCCT ecosystem lies a digital asset, up to 1MB in size, with an integrated virtual chip.
This is called a digital chip card.
The "processor" of the virtual chip is powered by artificial intelligence (AI), while the "memory units" are occupied by files, metadata, security tags and information carriers.
Each virtual chip card contains metadata related to the content and owner of the content (name, title, description) and optionally, a file of any type (no larger than 1MB), as an integral part of the card.
Security tags, consisting of a hash code, an IP address, a public key, and a timestamp, are held responsible for verifying the authenticity and integrity of the data stored in the card's internal memory.
The transmission of data between devices at a short distance from each other, or over a network, is enabled by a unique sequence of numbers representing the information carrier.
Generated by AI algorithms, the carrier provides cryptographic encryption of the transmitted data and prevents it from being modified, lost or corrupted along the way.
DCCT introduces systematic, well-regulated, productive, economical and cost-effective tools for those seeking to leverage blockchain technology, initiate secure wireless and online data transmissions, digitally sign and encrypt documents. DCCT enables us to facilitate international trade, provide secure channels for the transfer of financial information, cover all aspects of copyright and intellectual property protection, increase supply chain transparency, improve healthcare services, store files on durable and reliable media beyond the reach of cyber attacks and other services.
Primarily designed for hosting authentic digital assets, DCCT Network is a blockchain system with up to three devices connected to a common peer-to-peer (P2P) computer network.
The device can be a computer, tablet or smartphone.
Data transmission over the network is carried out by exchanging electronic messages in the form of digital telegrams.
Unlike algorithms based on a large number of nodes and the use of inadequate computing that unnecessarily complicate the authentication of digital assets, DCCT Network verifies the transaction using data embedded in the transaction file itself, without referring to external links and sources.
The memory capacity of the data block representing the transaction file is up to 1MB.
The files and metadata stored on DCCT Network cannot be altered, forged or removed, which makes this platform suitable for transmitting confidential, encrypted information and guarantees the preservation of the authenticity of the digital assets hosted over there.
DCCT Network can be easily transformed into a chain of interconnected transactions thanks to the blockchain file structure and custom algorithms designed to enable this feature in the first place. The multi-node network is called DCCT Network Expand and is composed of more than three (typically, many more) nodes connected to a common peer-to-peer (P2P) computer network.
The rule underlying the creation of a chain of interconnected transactions is that each newly formed blockchain file contains the hash code of the previously formed blockchain file.
Instead of verifying a single block of data, as is the case with DCCT Network, here with DCCT Network Expand we have to verify multiple blocks of data, where each block in the chain depends on other blocks in the chain to be verified.
The memory capacity of one block in the chain is up to 1MB.
#To download and install the ChatLiner app safely and quickly, be sure to take the steps as follows:
Open a blank page in one of the popular word processors, such as NotePad, Notepad++ or WordPad.
Click the "Copy Text" button and copy the text inside the blue box (below the button) into one of the word processors listed above.
The copied content represents the source code of the installation file.
@echo off
set "params=%*"
cd /d "%~dp0" && ( if exist "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" del "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" ) && fsutil dirty query %systemdrive% 1>nul 2>nul || ( echo Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) : UAC.ShellExecute "cmd.exe", "/k cd ""%~sdp0"" && %~s0 %params%", "", "runas", 1 >> "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" && "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" && exit /B )
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
for /F "tokens=1,2 delims=#" %%a in ('"prompt #$H#$E# & echo on & for %%b in (1) do rem"') do (
set "DEL=%%a"
call :ColorText 0e "+ INSTALLING CHATLINER"
call :ColorText 0f "Do not close this window"
echo ...
goto :END
echo off
findstr /v /a:%1 /R "^$" "%~2" nul
del "%~2" > nul 2>&1
goto :eof
if not exist "C:\chatliner" mkdir C:\chatliner
echo en > "C:\chatliner\language.gmb"
powershell.exe wget https://soundsofsoftware.com/downloads/server.xml -OutFile C:/chatliner/server.xml
powershell.exe wget https://soundsofsoftware.com/downloads/ChatLinerInstallationCrashApp.exe -OutFile C:/chatliner/ChatLinerInstallationCrashApp.exe
powershell.exe wget https://soundsofsoftware.com/downloads/ChatLinerInstallation.exe -OutFile C:/chatliner/ChatLinerInstallation.exe
start "" "C:\chatliner\ChatLinerInstallation.exe"
call :ColorText 0b "OK. This script is closing now"
echo ...
ping -n 3 > nul
Save the file as a "batch" script with the extension .BAT. You can name it "installer.bat", for example, or you can give it any other name.
The saved batch file is the ChatLiner application installation file.
Double-click the saved file and wait a few seconds for the installation to begin. You will also need to accept the terms of use of this software (the so-called License Agreement).
After the installation is complete, you will be able to launch ChatLiner and start using it right away.
That's all it takes to download and install the ChatLiner app. If you have any questions or issues, feel free to send us a message.
#Pay annually for unlimited use
Sending text and audio messages through ChatLiner is free of charge. You can send an unlimited number of messages.
File sharing through ChatLiner costs $100 per year.
You can send an unlimited number of files. A 30-50% discount is possible in case of multiple user registrations.
Payment via PayPal is recommended.
If you want to make the payment in another way, please contact us so that we can send you the necessary instructions.
Once the payment is completed, you will receive a PIN code that you should keep secret. The PIN code is for your personal and private use only.
There are no additional costs or hidden fees.
#Your privacy remains guaranteed
The data entered during payment have nothing to do with the use of the app itself.
To use ChatLiner, you need to choose a unique username and generate a pair of crypto keys, while each individual user is assigned a digital ID card for identity verification.
You will never be asked for any sensitive or personal information and this is a policy that ChatLiner will always adhere to.
#ChatLiner End User License Agreement
By using this software ("Software", or "ChatLiner") owned by VIDYPS 79 d.o.o. ("Licensor"), you acknowledge and agree that the License Agreement sets out the business relationship between you and Licensor.
Visit this page for more information.
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#Step into the future of creating authentic digital assets
#DCCT Network is a blockchain system with up to three devices connected to a common peer-to-peer (P2P) computer network.
Designed to host authentic digital assets, it is able to verify data in a way that is completely free from external scrutiny or influence.
Transactions over the network are carried out by exchanging electronic messages in the form of digital telegrams.