#Frequently Asked Questions About Authentic Digital Assets
  • A digital asset is a file of any type, including images, audio, video, PDF files, and animated GIFs, that holds information about the file itself (name, author name, creation time, etc.), as well as information related to preservation the authenticity of the file, the integrity of the content of which the file is composed and the identity of the owner.
    A digital barcode is a set of information about a file that represents an authentic digital asset ("ADA") and related data. This includes information about the file itself (name, author name, creation time, etc.), as well as information related to preservation the authenticity of the file, the integrity of the content of which the file is composed and the identity of the owner.
    The digital barcode provides a globally unique file identifier and copyright protection tool. In addition, it serves as a repository for the author's promotional material, such as a promotional text, a PDF booklet, a personal audio message or a short promotional video.
    Blockchain is a decentralized database that is shared and synchronized among the nodes of a computer network and operates without the need for a central authority.
    Instead of being "locked" within a single database, as is the case with centralized systems, files and information are diversified across a chain of blocks (hence the name blockchain) and made available to all those computers connected to a shared peer-to-peer network.
    Data stored on the blockchain is virtually immutable, irreplaceable, irrevocable and available for validation at all times. The transfer of data over the blockchain network is called a transaction. A file that contains data related to a transaction is called a transaction file.
    An authentic digital asset ("ADA") is any asset in digital format, such as an image, photo, PDF file, animated GIF, song, video movie, e-book, with an embedded digital barcode and stored on a custom-built blockchain.
    The digital barcode provides a globally unique file identifier and copyright protection tool, while the blockchain platform forces hosted digital assets to remain immutable, irreplaceable, irrevocable and available for validation at all times.
    The process of inserting a digital barcode into a digital asset is called "ADA creation".
    The process of tokenizing and storing an authentic digital asset on the blockchain, so that it is available for validation at any time, is called "ADA minting".
    For detailed information on how to mint an authentic digital asset ("ADA"), please refer to https://soundsofsoftware.com/how-to-mint-ada.html.
    Most blockchains use inadequate mathematical methods to validate transactions, which unnecessarily burden the entire blockchain system and make it more complex and expensive than it should be. On the other hand, appropriate software tools such as those provided by digital chip card technology will make the ADA minting process transparent and easy to follow, increase reliability and reduce costs.
    The greatest value of an authentic digital asset is believed to lie in its irreplaceability, traceability and uniqueness. An authentic digital asset is not a virtual certificate of ownership of a digital object, but real digital art and an expression of the will and intentions of creative artists, who invest their knowledge, talent and money so that their works are finally valued accordingly.
    Digital chip card technology introduces security tags, which consist of a hash code, IP address, public key, and timestamp. Security tags cannot be changed, removed, ignored or misused in any way. They are held responsible for verifying the authenticity and integrity of the data embedded in the asset, thereby guaranteeing the immutability and ultimate protection of digital copyrights.
    Not really. For a digital asset to be represented as an ADA, there must be some certificate of authenticity associated with it. There are several ways to achieve this, but the most viable solution is to permanently embed the data into the digital asset itself using appropriate software tools, such as those provided by digital chip card technology.
    Blockchain tokenization is the process of converting an actual physical or digital asset into a digital token that is stored on the blockchain.
    A blockchain token is a digital representation of an authentic real-world asset, whether physical or digital, tangible or intangible, such as traded commodities, gold, real estate, artwork, ownership rights, digital art, license agreements, loan applications, and more.
    Tokenization allows parties to maximize the benefits of the blockchain ecosystem, such as efficiency, reliability, transparency, trust, security, saving time and resources, as well as minimizing the possibility of counterfeiting and abuse.
    The tokenization process refers to minting an authentic digital asset.
    A smart contract is a computer program running on a blockchain that is automatically executed upon meeting pre-defined terms and conditions. It relies on a binding agreement between two parties presented in traditional paper or digital form.
    A smart contract is made up of "if true then [do something] else [do something else]" conditional statements embedded within the transaction file, with outcomes dependent on whether or not predetermined conditions are met and verified.
    The execution of a smart contract initiates the completion of a transaction and the update of a transaction file represented by a digitally signed block of data, which is then stored on each of the nodes that make up the blockchain network. The transaction file can no longer be reversed, modified, corrupted or misused and is available for download and validation at all times.
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#Step into the future of creating authentic digital assets
DCCT Network is a blockchain system with up to three devices connected to a common peer-to-peer (P2P) computer network. Designed to host authentic digital assets (ADAs), DCCT Network is able to verify data by relying on information independent of external sources.
#DCCT Network is a blockchain system with up to three devices connected to a common peer-to-peer (P2P) computer network. Designed to host authentic digital assets, it is able to verify data in a way that is completely free from external scrutiny or influence. Transactions over the network are carried out by exchanging electronic messages in the form of digital telegrams.
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