#By using this software ("Software", or "ChatLiner") owned by VIDYPS 79 d.o.o. ("Licensor"), you acknowledge and agree that the License Agreement sets out the business relationship between you and Licensor. This agreement was last updated on August 11, 2024.
1. ChatLiner is a messaging application with end-to-end encryption that ensures authentic encryption of transferred files and messages and prevents their modification, loss, damage or misuse. There is no compromise, interception or collection of users' personal data or sensitive data from users' devices.
2. ChatLiner's ultimate goal is to protect user data, user privacy, and content shared online by using end-to-end encryption.
3. ChatLiner is software designed to work on a computer running the Microsoft Windows operating system. It is 100% safe to use and free of any viruses, malware or spyware. No registration or personal data entry required. Each user is represented by a user name of their own choice.
4. Files and messages stored on the server communicating with ChatLiner are deleted every two hours, leaving no traces behind. Should those who share files and messages scheduled for deletion be active at the time the files and messages are scheduled to be deleted, the deletion of the files and messages they exchanged will be postponed until the next cycle.
5. To ensure authentic encryption of transferred files and messages, ChatLiner relies on Digital Chip Card Locker technology, or DCCL for short. DCCL is applied to generate a cryptographic key pair consisting of a public key and a private key. The public DCCL key is publicly available, while the private DCCL key must be kept confidential and should never be shared with other people or exposed online. The DCCL keys are responsible for encrypting and decrypting files and messages exchanged within the ChatLiner application. The rule that ChatLiner adheres to is that the private DCCL key may or may not be stored locally on your computer, but is never shared with anyone, uploaded anywhere, or stored in any remote location.
6. To decrypt files and messages encrypted by ChatLiner, you must be able to reproduce the DCCL algorithms and obtain the corresponding private key.
7. ChatLiner does not encrypt the connection between client and server (as is the case with HTTPS or SFTP), because it is not necessary. The application encrypts files, text messages, and voice messages on the client side before sending them, making them unreadable to everyone except those for whom they are intended.
8. Once encrypted with the recipient's public key on the sender's side, the message is sent to a remote database server that works in conjunction with ChatLiner and acts as an intermediary between the two interlocutors. The message cannot be decrypted on this server (or any other server), so it will be left intact and forwarded to the recipient as such. The content of the message or file being sent will be revealed using the recipient's private key when it reaches its destination, with no chance of anyone decrypting it at any point before.
9. Sending text and audio messages through ChatLiner is free. You can send an unlimited number of messages. You can also record and send an encrypted audio (voice) message. This message is encrypted before being sent and only the recipient (i.e. the person to whom the message is addressed) can decrypt and play it back using their private key.
10. The programs that are necessary for the operation of the ChatLiner application are located in the directory C:/Program Files/ChatLiner. You may not modify, alter or remove these files. Licensor is not responsible for ChatLiner performance issues that may occur if the files located in C:/Program Files/ChatLiner are modified, altered, or removed.
11. During installation, the C:/chatliner directory is created. This is the working directory for the ChatLiner application. You may not modify, alter or remove files stored in the working directory. Licensor is not responsible for ChatLiner performance issues that may occur if the files located in C:/chatliner are modified, altered, or removed.
12. When a new user (or group) is created, a unique digital ID card associated with that user (or group) name is automatically generated. You will be required to attach and verify your card each time you wish to log into the system or change your user details. Please keep this file private and do not share it with anyone.
13. A DCCT-based ID card is digitally signed and filled with associated metadata, barcodes and security tags in such a way that it can no longer be forged, altered or damaged. A DCCT-based ID card cannot expire, but it also cannot be revoked, renewed or recreated if lost or deleted, nor can it be repaired and reused if corrupted.
14. By default, the digital ID card is stored in the C:/digital-identity-card folder. You can leave it there or save it to another folder or device as you see fit (your phone, for example). Make sure you remember the location of your digital ID card so you can use it later.
15. During installation, the C:/downloads directory is created. The files downloaded from the server that communicates with ChatLiner are located in the C:/downloads folder on your computer. You can access your saved files at any time.
16. After ChatLiner has been closed, there are no instances of this program left active. This means that there is no instance of ChatLiner running in the background collecting data from your computer without your knowledge.
17. Your username remains recorded in a separate file in the local C:/chatliner folder on your computer so you don't have to enter it over and over again. This file can in no way compromise the security of data exchanged within ChatLiner or the privacy of users.
18. The usernames of those you chat with remain recorded in a separate file in the local C:/chatliner folder on your computer so that you do not have to enter them over and over again. This file can in no way compromise the security of data exchanged within ChatLiner or the privacy of users.
19. So you don't have to enter them again and again, the public and private keys you use are encrypted and remain recorded as encrypted in separate files in the local C:/chatliner folder on your computer. These files cannot in any way compromise the security of data exchanged within ChatLiner or the privacy of users.
20. The messages you have exchanged with other users are encrypted and remain recorded as encrypted in separate files in the local C:/chatliner/archives folder on your computer. These files cannot in any way compromise the security of data exchanged within ChatLiner or the privacy of users.
21. At each new login, if more than 2 hours have passed since the last login, all files located in the local C:/chatiner/archives folder on your computer are deleted, without exception.
22. The files and messages you exchange through the ChatLiner application are encrypted and ChatLiner has no insight into their content. You are fully responsible for the content of the files and messages you exchange through the ChatLiner application.
23. You are entirely responsible for who you share files and messages with via ChatLiner.
24. Licensor does not claim any ownership rights to the content you exchange within ChatLiner. You will continue to own your content and may use it in any way you choose.
25. You may terminate this Agreement at any time.
26. Licensor may prohibit your use of this Software at any time due to your potential violation of this Agreement.
27. Licensor may terminate this Agreement at any time due to your potential breach of this Agreement.
You hereby indemnify and will at all times keep Licensor and its partners, subsidiaries and affiliates fully and effectively indemnified from and against
any costs, claims, demands, investigations, liabilities, losses, damages, judgments, settlements and expenses whatsoever, including attorneys' fees
arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, made against or incurred by Licensor in consequence of any actual or alleged breach or non-performance
committed by you, or your violation of any material term or condition contained in this Agreement.
You agree to fully cooperate and act reasonably as required by Licensor in the defence of any claim. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Licensor retains the
exclusive right to settle, compromise and pay any and all claims, demands, proceedings, suits, actions or causes of actions which are brought against Licensor.
Software is fully compliant with the Law on Copyright and Related Rights of Serbia.
By using Software, you agree not to enable or participate in any activity that is or is intended to be fraudulent, illegal or unauthorized or that artificially compromises Software and prevents its normal operation. In the event such activities are discovered, Licensor reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to delete or relocate your content and any information related to your content uploaded through Software, in whole or in part. Licensor reserves the right to suspend or terminate your access to Software with immediate effect and without notice, and to exercise any legal remedies if Licensor believes, in its sole discretion, that you are in violation of any part of this clause.
You acknowledge and agree that this Agreement establishes a business relationship between you and Licensor.
Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed: (i) to give either party the power to direct or control the day-to-day activities of the other party; or (ii) to constitute the parties as principal and agent, employer and employee, franchisor and franchisees, partners, co-owners or otherwise as participants in a joint venture.
You acknowledge that Licensor may change the scope of its services from time to time and without prior notice.
Licensor provides technical support for the use of Software. Contact VIDYPS 79 d.o.o. for more information.
All notices or other communications required under this Agreement shall be delivered to the relevant party by email and shall be deemed delivered on the date the email is sent to the recipient. Nothing in this Agreement shall confer or purport to confer upon any third party any benefit or right to enforce any provision of this Agreement.
If any provision of this Agreement (or part of any provision) is determined by any court or other competent authority to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, that provision or part of such provision shall, to the extent necessary, be deemed to be excluded from Agreement and will not affect the validity and applicability of other provisions of this Agreement.
This Agreement is regulated and shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Serbia, and in the event of a dispute between the parties, the courts of Serbia have exclusive jurisdiction.
Licensor may, in its sole discretion, make changes to this Agreement at any time and will post any changes in an updated version of this Agreement. In certain circumstances, Licensor may send you an email notifying you of the change.
If you do not agree to use Software in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, you must terminate this Agreement by immediately discontinuing use of Software. Failure to terminate this Agreement shall constitute your acceptance of the new terms and conditions of this Agreement.
Software is owned by VIDYPS 79 d.o.o. and its structure, algorithms, applications and source code are valuable trade secrets of VIDYPS 79 d.o.o. VIDYPS 79 d.o.o. reserves all rights not expressly granted.
Software is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties.
Software is provided "as is", without any warranties of any kind, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement, except as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement.
In no event shall Licensor, authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability arising from, out of or in connection with Software and the exploitation of Software, except as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement.