#ChatLiner: Introduction To Blockchain Technology
#Blockchain definition
Blockchain is a decentralized database that is shared and synchronized among the nodes of a computer network and operates without the need for a central authority.
Instead of being "locked" within a single database, as is the case with centralized systems, files and information are diversified across a chain of blocks (hence the name blockchain) and made available to all those computers connected to a shared peer-to-peer network.
Data stored on the blockchain is virtually immutable, irreplaceable, irrevocable and available for validation at all times. The transfer of data over the blockchain network is called a transaction. A file that contains data related to a transaction is called a transaction file.
The ChatLiner app allows authentic digital assets to be tokenized and securely hosted on a custom blockchain network. As a high-performance technology solution, blockchain is a safe haven for storing and sharing sensitive information and other data that requires authentication.
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#Potential issues
Blockchain performance is often directly correlated with the number of active computers (nodes) within the network and the number of validated blocks that hold sets of information. The more blocks there are, the better protected the data is, as a larger number of blocks is more difficult to forge. This solution may seem stable and sustainable, but it is far from perfect, mainly for the following reasons:
  • Inadequate mathematical methods are used to validate transactions, which unnecessarily burden the entire blockchain system and make it more complex and expensive than it should be.
  • The validation process is inevitably accompanied by a number of topics open for discussion, such as high costs, inability to record large amounts of data, environmental challenges, huge energy consumption, vulnerability to illegal distribution and sale, and more.
  • Any violent action against the network and its infrastructure could potentially compromise the security and integrity of the data stored on the blockchain, while the credibility of the blockchain itself would be irreparably damaged.
Let's confront the facts head on and try to find a solution accordingly. We will start with a simple example that illustrates the analogy between blockchain performance and the physical world.
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#ChatLiner presents the streamlined blockchain platform with end-to-end encryption
DCCT Network is a blockchain system with up to three devices connected to a common peer-to-peer (P2P) computer network. Designed to host authentic digital assets (ADAs), DCCT Network is able to verify data by relying on information independent of external sources.
#DCCT Network is a blockchain system with up to three devices connected to a common peer-to-peer (P2P) computer network. Designed to host authentic digital assets, it is able to verify data in a way that is completely free from external scrutiny or influence. Transactions over the network are carried out by exchanging electronic messages in the form of digital telegrams.
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