#ChatLiner: Smart Contract
#What is digital chip card technology?
Digital Chip Card Technology, or DCCT for short, represents a set of innovative solutions implemented in security protocols and e-business systems that gravitate towards preserving privacy, confidentiality, authenticity and integrity of data and protection against misuse.
At the heart of DCCT lies a digital chip card with an integrated virtual chip. The "processor" of the virtual chip is powered by artificial intelligence (AI), while the "memory units" are occupied by files, associated metadata, security tags and information carriers.
For more details on DCCT, please visit this page.
#What is a smart contract?
A smart contract is a computer program that forms an integral part of the ChatLiner software and is automatically executed upon meeting pre-defined terms and conditions. It relies on a binding agreement between two parties presented in traditional paper or digital form.
In this particular case, it is a License Agreement between the licensor of the ChatLiner software and the end user on whose computer ChatLiner is installed. We'll call it the actual contract.
#How ChatLiner implements a smart contract
A smart contract is made up of "if true then [do something] else [do something else]" conditional statements with outcomes that depend on whether predetermined conditions are met and verified. The execution of the smart contract directly depends on the fulfillment of all the provisions of the actual contract.
#Events occur in order as follows:
1 The (End) User agrees to the License Agreement and accepts it in its entirety.
2 The User creates a unique username of their choice.
3 The predetermined terms and conditions are now met, which automatically triggers the execution of the smart contract.
4 The execution of the smart contract triggers the creation of a digital ID card with an integrated virtual chip card.
5 The digital ID card is digitally signed using digital chip card technology, which allows the card to be cryptographically "locked" and the stored data to be virtually immutable, irreplaceable and irrevocable, while the card is only available to the owner of the created username.
#The risk of data manipulation is minimized
The authentication process of a digital ID card is autonomous and is based on the information embedded in the file itself, without referring to external links and sources. If the authentication of a digital identity document were to be carried out using data stored outside the file itself, there would be a serious risk of data manipulation.
Thanks to the security mechanisms of digital chip card technology, which intertwine and complement each other, this risk is reduced to zero.
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#End-to-end encryption in the truest sense of the word: ChatLiner, at your service
ChatLiner is an end-to-end encrypted messaging platform that ensures authentic encryption of transferred files and messages and prevents their modification, loss, damage or misuse. No personal or sensitive data is compromised, intercepted or collected from users' devices.
#ChatLiner is a messaging platform with end-to-end encryption that ensures authentic encryption of transferred files and messages and prevents their modification, loss, damage or misuse. There is no compromising, interception or collection of users' personal data or sensitive data from users' devices.
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