#ChatLiner: Data Protection
#Does end-to-end encryption really mean that the content we send is completely protected?
In theory, end-to-end encryption defines communication between two users in such a way that the message is encrypted on the sender's side and decrypted on the recipient's side, without the possibility of anyone else being able to decrypt the message and reveal its contents. Simply put, a pair of cryptographic keys is generated, one for encryption and one for decryption, which are kept secret by their owners and are responsible for the security of information shared over the network.
This, however, works quite differently in the real world. All too often we are faced with an avalanche of forged documents, fake news, fake social media profiles, identity theft, unverifiable bank accounts, and above all, the unauthorized sharing of sensitive information and compromised data privacy.
Regardless of the proclaimed security of the connection and allegedly active end-to-end encryption, the files and messages we send to friends or business partners can end up in the hands of those for whom they are not intended.
And if the messages contain sensitive data, including personal and business information that, if disclosed or compromised, could cause adverse consequences for the individual or company to which the data relates, things can only get worse.
So let's pay attention to this problem and see if we can come up with a solution.
#Where can data be compromised on its way from sender to recipient?
The first thing to protect is the sender's device, i.e. the computer, phone or tablet from which the messages are sent.
Any software installed on the sender's device must be designed in such a way as to prevent any action that may involve the use of crawlers, spider bots, spying on user activity or data collection of any kind.
Of course, the same protection should be applied to the receiver's device.
The connection between the sender and receiver can also be hacked, allowing messages to be intercepted and decrypted by breaking the so-called "secure connection" (which, of course, can no longer be considered secure).
This is one of the reasons why a web app, which relies on secure connections, cannot be considered a reliable solution.
For similar reasons, we can't count on apps for smartphones, tablets, or smartwatches. Designed as they are, some devices just don't meet the requirements for secure messaging.
The connection between the sender and receiver can also be hacked, allowing messages to be intercepted and decrypted by breaking the so-called "secure connection" (which, of course, can no longer be considered secure).
This is one of the reasons why a web app, which relies on secure connections, cannot be considered a reliable solution.
For similar reasons, we can't count on apps for smartphones, tablets, or smartwatches. Designed as they are, some devices just don't meet the requirements for secure messaging.
Finally, messages can also be decrypted on the server of the service provider you use to store your data. We distinguish between two cases.
  • First, when the server is hacked by unknown persons and data is compromised or deleted;
  • And secondly, when your data is misused by those who have legitimate access to the data server.
We believe that the latter case is far more dangerous and treacherous, because it is something that few people want to admit is happening, but we all know it is happening. That is why it's necessary to build a trusted system to nip these problems in the bud.
There is no real guarantee other than a transparently presented and technologically superior solution as an alternative to existing data protection methods (which promise more than they can deliver anyway). This approach is precisely what drives the technology applied to ChatLiner.
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#End-to-end encryption in the truest sense of the word: ChatLiner, at your service
ChatLiner is a messaging platform that provides authentic end-to-end encryption of transferred files and messages and prevents their modification, loss, damage or misuse. There is no compromise, interception or collection of users' personal data or sensitive data from users' devices.
#ChatLiner is a messaging platform that provides authentic end-to-end encryption of transferred files and messages and prevents their modification, loss, damage or misuse. There is no compromise, interception or collection of users' personal data or sensitive data from users' devices.
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Genuinely designed for the common man